Blog All About It!
I love to share random bits of knowledge, it’s one of my little quirks. So I thought I would combine my random bits with some research, interviewing others, and more to bring you these blogs. everything from the technical to the whimsical to the “huh i never knew that”!
My Own Family Holiday Session
A true Florida Christmas wouldn’t be complete without a tree, gifts, and quirky loved ones on a beautiful beach! Take a look at my own Family Holiday Session, and all the blustery fun we had.
Basic Invite - Truly Custom Invitations
I have recently found this incredible company that creates exquisite customizable cards and invitations. Learn why I love their product line so much, and how you can receive your own discount code for your first order!
Your Secret Beauty
Have you ever thought about the fact that you have never actually seen yourself, other than photos and a reflection? Scientists say that you would walk right past yourself on the street without even noticing because what we think we look like is different from our actual appearance.
Portrait Editing - Behind the Scenes!
A short video going behind the scenes of my editing techniques.
Preparing For Your Session
Now that you’ve booked your session, take a few moments to read through this blog to ensure you’re completely prepared for a fun and timeless portrait session!
Among The Peach Blossoms
Take a look at Amanda’s Stylized Session in a beautiful peach blossom orchard that only blooms once a year on a beautiful 100 year old farm.
Are We In The Next Dark Age?
ShutterBee Photography explains why your best memories aren't safe in your phone, the cloud, or even on a USB. Find out why scientists are calling this era the next “Dark Age" and how to prevent losing your family's portraits.
Wardrobe Must Knows
Most of us know that the perfect outfit can give you super powers (or at least it feels that way), but did you know that what you wear to your portrait session can make or break your portraits?
The Power of Print
In a World full of digital media, find out why there is no better way to protect your memories than with prints and wall art.
Welcome to ShutterBee Photography
Learn a little more about me and why I am so passionate for photography.